Omni directional vehicle

Omni directional vehicle
pojazd wielokierunkowy, pojazd omnidirectionalny
a vehicle capable of moving in any direction
What is an "omni directional vehicle"?
An omni-directional vehicle is a vehicle that can move in any direction without the need to change its orientation. This type of vehicle uses special wheels, known as omni-wheels, which allow the vehicle to move forward, backward, sideways, and even diagonally. The design of the wheels enables the vehicle to smoothly change directions while maintaining its speed and stability. Omni-directional vehicles are often used in robotics, warehouses, or environments where precise movements are needed, and they are valued for their ability to move freely in any direction.
The omni directional vehicle effortlessly navigated tight spaces in the warehouse.
Engineers are developing omni directional vehicles for enhanced mobility in urban settings.
The omni directional vehicle showcased its ability to move sideways and diagonally.

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