Short odds
krótkie kursy, niskie prawdopodobieństwa
referring to the likelihood of a particular event occurring, with a high probability of success or a low degree of uncertainty
What are "short odds"?
Short odds refer to a betting situation where the likelihood of a particular outcome happening is high, meaning the potential payout is low. When a bet has short odds, it means the event is considered very likely to occur, and as a result, the winnings are relatively small. For example, in sports betting, a team that is favored to win will have short odds, offering a smaller payout for a successful bet. Short odds are less risky but also provide lower rewards compared to long odds.
The favorite team has short odds to win the championship this year, so the payout for betting on them is not very high.
I decided to bet on the horse with short odds because I was pretty sure it would win.
Everyone is betting on the team with short odds, so I might try my luck with a long shot instead.

Bliskie Słowa