Bad beat
zły beat, nieszczęśliwa porażka
when a player with a strong hand loses to a player with a stronger hand that improbably or luckily improves on the later streets, causing the player with the stronger hand to lose a large pot or even the entire game
What is a "bad beat"?
A bad beat in poker refers to a situation where a player with a strong hand loses to another player who has an even stronger hand, often in an unexpected or unlikely way. This typically happens when a player is ahead in the betting rounds but loses after the community cards are dealt, especially when the final cards drastically improve an opponent's hand. Bad beats are frustrating because they occur despite a player having a good chance to win, but they are a part of the game, adding to the element of chance in poker.
He was sure he had won, but then his opponent hit a straight on the river, and it was a bad beat.
She thought she had the best hand, but the other player drew a straight on the river, and it turned into a bad beat.
It ’s tough to handle a bad beat, especially when you ’re so sure of your hand.

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