the fat hit the fire
used to describe a situation that was already bad has suddenly become worse
What is the origin of the idiom "the fat hit the fire" and when to use it?
The idiom "the fat hit the fire" is an expression used to describe a situation where a problem or conflict intensifies or becomes more serious. It conveys the idea that a previously manageable or contained issue has now escalated and reached a critical point. The origin of this idiom can be traced back to the imagery of fat dripping onto a fire, which causes a sudden burst of flames and increased intensity.
We need a leader who is strong and steady, someone who wo n't shrink from adversity when the fat hits the fire.
The company's financial troubles worsened when the CEO unexpectedly resigned.
Mary thought her argument with her friend was just a minor disagreement, but when she discovered her friend had been spreading rumors about her, the fat hit the fire, and their friendship was irreparably damaged.

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