to open old wounds
to bring up past painful or unresolved experiences, often leading to emotional distress or discomfort
What is the origin of the idiom "open old wounds" and when to use it?
The idiom "open old wounds" is rooted in the idea that emotional or psychological pain can be compared to physical wounds. Just as physical wounds can heal but may still leave scars, emotional wounds can heal over time but may still be sensitive or painful if the issues associated with them are revisited. This expression is used to describe situations where past emotional or psychological traumas, conflicts, or problems are brought up or revisited, often causing renewed pain or distress.
Bringing up their past breakup really reopened old wounds, and they both ended up upset.
Discussing the family's financial struggles only serves to open old wounds, so it's best to focus on the present.
We should avoid talking about the accident; it will only reopen old wounds for those who were involved.

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