to one's liking
making one feel extremely satisfied or fulfilled
What is the origin of the idiom "to one's liking" and when to use it?
The origin of the phrase "to one's liking" is not tied to a specific historical event or cultural reference. It is a common expression that has evolved naturally in the English language over time. The term "liking" itself has been used for centuries to describe personal preferences and desires. It is commonly used to describe situations, experiences, objects, or qualities that suit an individual's preferences or meet their desired criteria. It is commonly used in polite and professional contexts, such as formal discussions, written correspondence, or when expressing preferences in a refined manner.
The finicky eater refused to eat anything that was n't prepared exactly to their liking.
The restaurant offers a variety of salad dressings, allowing you to customize your salad to your liking.
The finicky eater refused to eat anything that wasn't prepared exactly to their liking.
The restaurant offers a variety of salad dressings, allowing you to customize your salad to your liking.

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