to put one's finger on something
to figure out why things are the way they are and be able to identify the reason
What is the origin of the idiom "put one's finger on something" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "put one's finger on something" is likely derived from the idea of pointing out or touching something precisely with one's finger, indicating a high level of accuracy and specificity in identifying or describing an issue. This idiom has evolved over time to represent the act of identifying or specifying something with clarity and precision.
She could n't quite explain what was wrong with the painting, but she could put her finger on the issue after a closer look.
The detective had a hunch about the case, but he could n't put his finger on the key evidence until he reexamined the crime scene.
When it comes to improving customer satisfaction, it's essential to put your finger on the specific aspects that need attention.

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