hopping mad
feeling extremely angry
What is the origin of the idiom "hopping mad" and when to use it?
The exact origin of the phrase "hopping mad" is uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in the late 19th or early 20th century. The word "hopping" in this context suggests a sense of energy, liveliness, or agitation. It is used metaphorically to describe the intense state of anger or fury that causes someone to feel restless or as if they were physically hopping. It can be used in various scenarios, such as personal conflicts, heated arguments, or when someone feels their boundaries have been crossed.
When she discovered her car had been towed, she was hopping mad and unleashed a string of expletives at the parking attendant.
After waiting for hours at the customer service counter, the irate customer was hopping mad and demanded to speak to the manager.
The team captain lost his temper at the referee's unfair call and went hopping mad, throwing his helmet on the ground in frustration.

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