to sign off
[phrase form: sign]
podpisać, zakończyć
to write the final message at the end of the letter or email that counts as one's signature
In the closing paragraph, David signed off his handwritten letter with a personal touch, expressing gratitude for the recipient 's friendship.
John concluded his letter by signing off with a friendly note and his signature.
After sharing the latest news, Mary signed off her email with warm regards and well-wishes.
zatwierdzić, podpisać
to formally authorize a decision, action, or document
The committee unanimously signed off on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
The supervisor decided to sign off on the changes to the company policy.
podpisywać, kończyć
to stop broadcasting, often accompanied by saying goodbye or playing a piece of music
The news anchor signed off the evening news with a summary of the day 's top stories.
The television station signed off for the night after airing its last program.
The podcast host decided to sign off early due to technical difficulties.
zgłosić zatrudnienie, informować o zatrudnieniu
to tell the government that one has gotten a job and no longer need unemployment benefits
The unemployment benefit recipient was relieved to sign off at the job center after landing a position in her field.
Emily received a job offer and immediately contacted the unemployment office to sign off and close her claim.
After securing a new job, Lisa promptly signed off at the employment office to update her employment status.
wystawić zwolnienie lekarskie, zlecić urlop zdrowotny
(of a doctor) to give a note to a patient saying they are unwell and cannot work
wylogować się, zrobić przerwę
to take a break from one's work, activity, etc.
In the midst of a busy day, the manager encouraged the staff to sign off briefly to recharge and avoid burnout.
The team agreed to sign off from the project temporarily to address urgent issues before resuming.
Recognizing the need for mental refreshment, the student decided to sign off from studying and take a short walk.
In the closing paragraph, David signed off his handwritten letter with a personal touch, expressing gratitude for the recipient's friendship.
John concluded his letter by signing off with a friendly note and his signature.
After sharing the latest news, Mary signed off her email with warm regards and well-wishes.
As the email exchange wrapped up, Sarah signed off with a casual "Take care!"
The pen pals had developed a routine of signing off each letter with a unique and shared closing phrase that held sentimental value.
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