to reach one's nostrils
(of odors or smells) to travel through the air and being detected by someone's sense of smell
What is the origin of the idiom "reach one's nostrils" and when to use it?
The idiom "reach one's nostrils" is derived from the literal function of the nostrils as the openings in the nose through which we breathe and detect smells. The phrase is used figuratively to describe the act of perceiving or sensing something, often with a negative connotation.
The pungent smell of burning rubber reached my nostrils, indicating that something was wrong with my car.
As I walked by the flower shop, the delightful fragrance of roses reached my nostrils, brightening my day.
The foul odor of decay reached our nostrils as we approached the abandoned building, making us hesitate to enter.
The pungent smell of burning rubber reached my nostrils, indicating that something was wrong with my car.
As I walked by the flower shop, the delightful fragrance of roses reached my nostrils, brightening my day.
The foul odor of decay reached our nostrils as we approached the abandoned building, making us hesitate to enter.
The stench of the garbage reached my nostrils as soon as I entered the room.

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