rasowy, etniczny
related to or based on a person's race, ethnicity, or ancestry
Racial stereotypes perpetuate harmful misconceptions and prejudices.
Racial tensions in the city have sparked protests and calls for social justice.
The study examines the impact of racial disparities on healthcare access and outcomes.
rasowy, etniczny
related to the way humankind is sometimes divided into, which is based on physical attributes or shared ancestry
He conducted research on racial disparities in healthcare access.
They discussed the impact of racial stereotypes in the media.
The organization works to promote racial equality and social justice.
Racial stereotypes perpetuate harmful misconceptions and prejudices.
Racial tensions in the city have sparked protests and calls for social justice.
The study examines the impact of racial disparities on healthcare access and outcomes.
The school curriculum includes lessons on racial diversity and cultural sensitivity.
Bliskie Słowa