leworęczny, lewodzięki
primarily using one's left hand for tasks
The left-handed artist held the paintbrush with their dominant hand to create intricate strokes on the canvas.
The left-handed batter faced off against the right-handed pitcher in a tense moment during the baseball game.
Despite being left-handed, Mary learned to play the guitar by adapting right-handed chord diagrams to fit her orientation.
leworęczny, zapewniający leworęcznym
designed for or used with the left hand
The left-handed scissors were perfect for Mary 's dominant hand.
Sarah 's left-handed scissors were specifically designed to accommodate her dominant hand.
Jack 's left-handed golf clubs featured specially designed grips to enhance his performance on the course.
ironicznie niejednoznaczny, niejednoznaczny ironicznie
ironically ambiguous
leworęczny, w lewo
rotating to the left
leworęczny, niezdarny
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
małżeństwo nieprawe, małżeństwo nierówne
(of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior
nielegalny, nieoficjalny
(of marriages) illicit or informal
The left-handed artist held the paintbrush with their dominant hand to create intricate strokes on the canvas.
The left-handed batter faced off against the right-handed pitcher in a tense moment during the baseball game.
Despite being left-handed, Mary learned to play the guitar by adapting right-handed chord diagrams to fit her orientation.
Bliskie Słowa