to hang on
[phrase form: hang]
even wachten, hang even aan
to ask someone to wait briefly or pause for a moment
The doctor asked the patient to hang on while they reviewed the test results.
Can you hang on for a moment?
Hang on a second; I need to grab my coat before we leave.
iemand de schuld geven, iemand het verwijt maken
to unfairly blame someone for something
You ca n't hang the mistake on me; I was n't even in the office that day.
Do n't try to hang the failure on me; it was a team effort.
She hung the accusation on me, but I had an alibi.
volhouden, doorgaan
to persist and refuse to give up, especially in difficult or challenging situations
Despite the setbacks, he decided to hang on and continue pursuing his dream.
She told herself to hang on even when things seemed impossible.
The team 's determination to hang on during the tough match paid off with a late goal.
even wachten, blijven hangen
to remain on the line during a phone call, typically while waiting for someone to become available to talk
Can you please hang on for a moment?
The receptionist asked the caller to hang on as she transferred the call to the appropriate department.
I 'll put you on hold for a minute; please hang on until I return to the call.
afhangen van, zich afhankelijk stellen van
to be dependent on something
Their success hangs on the outcome of the upcoming negotiation.
The company 's survival hangs on its ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
The team 's victory is hanging on the performance of their star player.
Vasthouden, Grip krijgen
to grasp or hold onto something tightly for balance or to prevent falling
Hang on tight, the roller coaster is about to take off!
In strong winds, it's crucial to hang on to your hat to prevent it from blowing away.
Hang on tight to the rope while I lower you down into the cave.
aandachtig zijn, opletten
to pay close attention on something
I need to hang on to every word of the lecture to understand the complex concepts being discussed.
During the important meeting, she hung on to every detail of the presentation.
To solve the puzzle, you need to hang on to the clues provided.
afwachten, blijven wachten
to stay in a state of waiting until a specific event or outcome occurs
We 've been hanging on for the test results, and it's making us quite anxious.
We 'll have to hang on a bit longer to hear the final decision.
He could n't hang on any longer and left the waiting room.
aanhouden, doorgaan
to last longer than expected
The flu hung on for weeks, making recovery challenging.
The bad weather hung on for the entire weekend, ruining outdoor plans.
The memory of the accident hung on in her mind, causing anxiety.

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