to get in
[phrase form: get]
toegelaten worden, binnenkomen
to successfully secure admission to a college, university, or similar institution
Transitive: to get in to a college or university
She was thrilled to get in to her first-choice university.
He worked hard to get in to the prestigious engineering program.
Getting in to a competitive college often requires high grades and test scores.
thuisgekomen, binnenkomen
to arrive at home or at the place where one works
Intransitive: to get in point in time
I 'll get in around 7 PM after the meeting.
He got in late last night due to the traffic.
She gets in early every morning to start her work.
aankomen, binnenkomen
(of a train, airplane, etc.) to arrive at a particular place
Intransitive: to get in | to get in somewhere | to get in point in time
The train is scheduled to get in at the station around 8:30 AM.
Their flight is expected to get in on time at the international airport.
He was waiting at the bus stop for the last bus to get in from the city.
instappen, binnenkomen
to physically enter a vehicle, such as a car or taxi
Transitive: to get in a vehicle
She got in the car and drove away.
They decided to get in the car and head to the beach for the day.
The taxi pulled up to the curb, and I quickly got in.
binnenkomen, toegangen
to successfully enter a place even when it is hard to do so
Transitive: to get in a place
He could n't find his keys to get in the house, so he had to call a locksmith.
She wanted to get in the restaurant early to secure a table for her friends.
He managed to get in through the small gap in the fence.
gekozen worden, in functie komen
to be elected to a political office or position
Linking Verb: to get in as a political position
She campaigned tirelessly to get in as the city's mayor.
He hoped to get in as a member of the town council in the upcoming election.
Getting in as a senator was a significant achievement in his political career.
een manier vinden, binnenkomen
to find a way to do or say something within a limited time or opportunity
Transitive: to get in an activity or remark
He found a way to get in some reading on his commute to work.
He tried to get in a quick word with the CEO during the meeting.
Despite the busy schedule, he found a way to get in some exercise.
binnenhalen, uitnodigen
to request or invite someone to come to one's home or place to perform a specific task
Transitive: to get in a professional
We need to get in a plumber to fix the leak in the bathroom.
He had to get a contractor in to repair the roof after the storm.
They got in an electrician to install the new lighting fixtures.
verzamelen, binnenhalen
to gather or collect something, often for a specific purpose or requirement
Transitive: to get in sth
The farmers were busy getting in the wheat during the late summer.
It's essential to get the harvest in on time to ensure a good yield.
The community came together to get in donations for the charity event.
inkopen, aanschaffen
to purchase a supply of something, typically in preparation for a future need or occasion
Transitive: to get in a resource
She reminded him to get in some snacks for the road trip.
We should get firewood in for the camping trip.
They decided to get in a few bottles of wine for the dinner party.

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