Schnapsen, kaartspel Schnapsen
What is "Schnapsen"?
Schnapsen is a popular card game from Austria, typically played by two players using a 20-card deck, which includes cards from 9 to Ace in each suit. The goal of the game is to be the first to score 66 points, which are earned by winning tricks and forming specific card combinations, such as pairs or marriages, which is a king and queen of the same suit. Players take turns playing one card at a time, with the highest card in the leading suit or the trump suit winning the trick. The game starts with a bidding phase, where players can declare a trump suit, and points are awarded for both winning tricks and combinations. Players can also score additional points by "closing" the game, a move that requires careful timing. Schnapsen is a game of strategy, timing, and calculation, requiring players to manage their cards and anticipate their opponent's moves.