used to warn against discarding warm or heavy clothing until the end of May, as the weather can still be unpredictable and cold during the early spring months
What is the origin of the proverb "do not cast a clout until May be out" and when to use it?
The proverb "do not cast a clout until May be out" originates from English folk wisdom. It advises waiting for certainty before making decisions, especially when it comes to matters of timing or preparing for a change. The saying reflects the idea that the weather in the spring can be unpredictable, and one should not act prematurely or assume that conditions have changed without proper evidence.
used to suggest that it is wise to wait and avoid making significant decisions or taking action until the situation or circumstances have become clearer or more certain
What is the origin of the proverb "do not cast a clout until May be out" and when to use it?
The proverb "do not cast a clout until May be out" originates from English folk wisdom. It advises patience and careful judgment, suggesting that rushing into decisions without fully understanding the circumstances can lead to poor outcomes. The saying encourages waiting for a better moment when things are more predictable or settled.