The entire debate was based on the premise that economic growth benefits all members of society.
Her research paper challenges the premise that climate change is primarily caused by human activity.
The film 's plot relies on the premise that time travel is possible and can alter past events.
premisse, veronderstelling
the basic idea, concept, or foundation upon which a story is built, and often includes the central conflict, characters, setting, and overall tone or genre of the narrative
What is a "premise"?
A premise is the core idea or concept that forms the foundation of a story. It includes the central conflict, main characters, setting, and the general tone or genre of the narrative. Essentially, it is the basic outline that guides the development of the story and helps shape how it unfolds. For example, if a story's premise is about a detective solving a mysterious crime in a futuristic city, this basic idea establishes the framework and direction for the plot. It provides the foundation from which the entire narrative develops.
to premise
veronderstellen, uitgaan van
take something as preexisting and given
vrolijk maken, blij maken
expressive of sympathetic pleasure or joy on account of someone's success or good fortune
veronderstellen, vestigen
set forth beforehand, often as an explanation
voorwoord geven, inleiden
furnish with a preface or introduction

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