Do not enter sign
출입 금지 표지판, 진입 금지 표지판
a red and white sign indicating that entry is prohibited
What is a "do not enter sign"?
A do not enter sign is a traffic sign that indicates drivers are not allowed to enter a particular road, lane, or area. It is typically used at one-way streets, intersections, or areas where vehicles are not permitted to enter for safety or traffic flow reasons. The sign is typically a red circle with a white horizontal line across the middle, clearly indicating that vehicles must not proceed in that direction. Drivers who ignore this sign may risk accidents or crashes, as they are driving against the intended direction of traffic.
He immediately halted at the do not enter sign near the intersection.
Please adhere to the do not enter sign to avoid traffic violations.
The do not enter sign was prominently displayed on the gate to the private property.