Pantry cabinet
팬트리 캐비닛, 식료품 저장 캐비닛
a storage cabinet used for storing food items, kitchen supplies, and other household goods
What is a "pantry cabinet"?
A pantry cabinet is a type of storage cabinet used in kitchens to store food, kitchen supplies, and other household items. It typically has shelves or drawers for organizing canned goods, dry food, spices, and snacks. Pantry cabinets are designed to keep food items organized and easily accessible, helping to maximize kitchen space. They are often located near the kitchen or dining area and can be built into the wall or freestanding, depending on the layout and needs of the space.
The pantry cabinet in the kitchen is filled with canned vegetables and pasta.
After the grocery shopping, I put everything in the pantry cabinet to keep it organized.
I added extra shelves to the pantry cabinet to store all the baking supplies.