to scrimp and save
to try to spend as little money as possible
What is the origin of the idiom "scrimp and save" and when to use it?
The idiom "scrimp and save" likely comes from the combination of two words, "scrimp" and "save." "Scrimp" means to be frugal or to limit one's spending on non-essential items. "Save" refers to the act of setting aside money for future use or emergencies. Together, the phrase emphasizes the importance of being thrifty and economizing to accumulate savings. It is used to describe the practice of being very frugal with one's expenses and making an effort to save money diligently.
Despite their low income, they managed to scrimp and scrape enough to go on a modest vacation.
In order to afford a new car, she had to scrimp and save for several months.
The young couple scrimp and save every month to build their savings for a down payment on a house.