to run on fumes
최소한의 자원이나 에너지로 운영
to continue operating with little ,if any, of the remaining energy, strength, or resources
What is the origin of the idiom "run on fumes" and when to use it?
The exact origin of the idiom "run on fumes" is unclear, as it has become a common idiomatic expression in the English language. The usage of "fumes" in this context likely stems from the idea of a vehicle running on the vapors or remaining traces of fuel, indicating that it is nearly out of gas.
연기로 달리다
*** (of an engine or vehicle) to have almost no fuel left
By the end of the week, I'll be running on fumes due to the demanding schedule.
She runs on fumes, juggling multiple jobs and personal commitments.
The team is running on fumes but still giving their best effort to finish the project.
The organization ran on fumes until they secured additional funding.
By the end of the day many of the drivers were running on fumes or had experienced mechanical problems.