to throw cold water on something
to demotivate a person by talking negatively about their plans or opinions
What is the origin of the idiom "throw cold water on something" and when to use it?
The idiom "throw cold water on something" originated in the 19th century and refers to the act of discouraging or dampening enthusiasm for an idea, plan, or proposal. The metaphorical use of cold water suggests the cooling or extinguishing of excitement, much like pouring water on a hot or burning object. The expression is commonly used to convey the idea of discouraging or criticizing someone's ambitions or plans.
When she excitedly shared her innovative business concept, her skeptical colleagues quickly threw cold water on the idea, highlighting potential flaws.
Despite his enthusiasm for the project, his supervisor consistently poured cold water on his proposals, creating a sense of frustration.
Every time he brought up the possibility of pursuing a career in the arts, his pragmatic parents would throw cold water on his dreams, urging him to choose a more stable path.