Red squirrel
붉은 다람쥐, 적색 다람쥐
a small mammal with a reddish-brown coat, tufted ears, and a long, bushy tail, known for its agility and arboreal lifestyle
What is a "red squirrel"?
The red squirrel, also known as the Eurasian red squirrel, is a small mammal with a distinctive reddish-brown coat, tufted ears, and a long, bushy tail. It is known for its agility, often seen climbing trees and leaping from branch to branch. Red squirrels are primarily arboreal, living in trees and building nests, called dreys, made of twigs, leaves, and moss. They are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of foods including nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, and fungi. Red squirrels are native to Eurasia and are known for their acrobatic behavior and high-pitched vocalizations. They are considered a symbol of woodlands and forests in many regions and are often depicted in art and folklore.