The army hired mercenaries to bolster its forces during the conflict in the region.
The mercenary group offered its services to the highest bidder, regardless of political affiliations.
Mercenaries played a crucial role in historical battles, often fighting for the side that offered the most lucrative compensation.
금전적 동기
motivated by financial gain or material rewards
The company 's decision to cut corners and compromise on quality revealed its mercenary approach to business.
His mercenary mindset led him to prioritize financial gains over ethical considerations.
The politician 's actions were criticized as being driven by a mercenary desire for personal wealth rather than public service.
용병의, 고용병의
related to people who serve in a foreign army solely for financial gain
The mercenary soldiers were hired by the foreign government to protect their interests in the conflict.
The mercenary group was known for its willingness to fight in various conflicts worldwide for financial compensation.
The mercenary soldier was motivated solely by the promise of a substantial payment, regardless of allegiance.
물질적인, 상업적인
marked by materialism