フィールドゴール, ゴールプレイ
What is a "field goal"?
A field goal in football is when the team tries to score by kicking the ball through the other team's goalposts. This is done during the game when the team is not close enough to score a touchdown but is still in a position to kick the ball. The ball is kicked from the field, and if it goes through the goalposts, the team gets three points. Field goals are often attempted when it is the team’s best option, especially if they are on their last try to move the ball forward on fourth down.
フィールドゴール, 成功したシュート
What is a "field goal"?
A field goal in basketball is any basket made during regular play, except for free throws. It can be worth two or three points, depending on where the player is on the court when they make the shot. A field goal is made by shooting the ball into the basket from anywhere on the court, and it is the most common way to score in a game. The goal is to make as many field goals as possible to outscore the opposing team.