
アトランティック・コンゴ語族, アトランティック・コンゴ言語
What are "Atlantic–Congo languages"?
Atlantic–Congo languages are a large family of languages spoken primarily in West and Central Africa. This family is divided into two main branches: Atlantic languages, which include languages such as Wolof, Fula, and Serer, and Congo languages, which include a wide range of languages spoken in the Congo Basin, such as Lingala, Kikongo, and Tshiluba. Atlantic–Congo languages are characterized by diverse grammatical structures, extensive noun class systems, and rich tonal features. These languages hold significant cultural importance for the communities that speak them, reflecting their histories, social organizations, and traditional practices. The study of Atlantic–Congo languages offers valuable insights into the linguistic diversity of Africa, as well as the historical and cultural connections among different groups in the region.
Atlantic–Congo languages