pig in a poke
a thing that one accepts or buys without making sure if it is good enough to be worth it
What is the origin of the idiom "a pig in a poke" and when to use it?
The idiom "a pig in a poke" originates from medieval Europe when market sellers would deceive buyers by placing a small, low-value animal like a cat in a bag (a "poke") instead of the more valuable pig they had promised. Figuratively, this expression is used to refer to the act of buying something without inspecting it first, often leading to disappointment or deception.
I bought that used car without a proper inspection, and it turned out to be a pig in a poke.
She signed the contract without reading the fine print, only to find out later it was a pig in a poke.
Do n't accept job offers without researching the company; you might end up with a pig in a poke.