a piece of the action
tendency to take part in an activity started by someone else to receive a share of its profits
What is the origin of the idiom "a piece of the action" and when to use it?
The idiom "a piece of the action" has its roots in colloquial language and is thought to have originated in the mid-20th century. It draws from the world of business and entertainment, where "the action" refers to the exciting or lucrative part of an endeavor, such as a profitable business venture or a successful event. It typically used to convey a sense of wanting to participate or benefit from an opportunity or enterprise.
The local artists were excited to have a piece of the action in the city's art festival, showcasing their talent to a wider audience.
He's always eager to get a slice of the action whenever there's a new startup opportunity in the tech industry.
As soon as news of the new movie project broke, several actors and actresses were vying to get a slice of the action by auditioning for roles.
When the restaurant business started booming, everyone wanted a piece of the action by investing in the trendiest eateries.
In the competitive world of sports, athletes strive to get a slice of the action by securing endorsement deals and sponsorships.