behind the eight ball
in a situation that involves difficulty, particularly one that is worse compared to that of others
What is the origin of the idiom "behind the eight ball" and when to use it?
The idiom "behind the eight ball" has its roots in billiards or pool, where being behind the eight ball is a challenging position, as it limits the player's options for their next shot. In a figurative sense, it is used to describe a situation where someone is in a difficult or unfavorable position, often due to past actions or circumstances, and faces an uphill struggle to improve their situation.
Many families in this country are still behind the eight ball and do not enjoy the same standard of living that other people enjoy.
After losing his job, he found himself behind the eight ball when it came to paying his bills and supporting his family.
Missing the deadline for the important project put the team behind the eight ball, and they had to work hard to catch up.