to run into
[phrase form: run]
偶然出会う (ぐうぜんであう), ばったり出会う (ばったりであう)
to meet someone by chance and unexpectedly
Transitive: to run into sb
I ran into my old friend at the supermarket yesterday.
I ca n't believe I ran into my boss at the movies last night!
She often runs into her neighbors while walking her dog in the park.
直面する, 遭遇する
to unexpectedly face a difficult situation or problem
Transitive: to run into a difficulty or problem
The company ran into financial difficulties and had to lay off employees.
I ran into a traffic jam on my way to work this morning.
The company ran into a legal dispute over their product's patent.
ぶつける, 衝突させる
to cause something to hit a person or thing, often by accident
Ditransitive: to run into sth sb/sth
He ran his scooter into a pedestrian while turning the corner.
The cyclist ran his bicycle into a lamp post, resulting in a minor accident.
She ran her car into a tree when the brakes failed.
ぶつかる, 衝突する
to accidentally hit a person or thing
Transitive: to run into sb/sth
The taxi ran into someone waiting at the curb.
The delivery truck ran into a person while making a turn.
The ship ran into a reef, causing significant damage to its hull.
数百万に達する, 〜を超える
to surpass a specified level or amount, particularly in relation to expenses, numbers, or quantities
Transitive: to run into a level or amount
The project 's expenses ran into the millions due to unforeseen complications.
The construction timeline ran into months beyond the original estimate.
The repair costs for the vintage car restoration ran into tens of thousands.
混ぜ込む, 取り入れる
to mix something so that it becomes a unified part of a whole
Ditransitive: to run into sth sth
The artist decided to run the new color palette into the overall painting to create a cohesive look.
The architect managed to run the modern design into the existing structure beautifully.
The decorator aimed to run the antique furniture into the contemporary room design.