Magnum opus
the greatest literary or artistic piece that an author or artist has created
What is "magnum opus"?
Magnum opus refers to the greatest work produced by an artist, writer, or composer, often seen as their most important or best achievement. This term is used to point out a piece of work that shows the great level of their creative abilities and is typically known for its excellence and impact. Examples of a magnum opus include Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony," and Tolstoy's "War and Peace," each representing the greatest of the creator's career and artistic contribution.
Many critics consider Beethoven 's Ninth Symphony to be his magnum opus, showcasing the pinnacle of his musical genius.
After years of research and writing, the historian finally published her magnum opus, a comprehensive account of the ancient civilization.
The filmmaker 's latest movie has been hailed as his magnum opus, combining stunning visuals and a compelling narrative to create a cinematic masterpiece.