to put the body of a person who has died in a tomb or grave during a funeral
What is the origin of the idiom "lay someone to rest" and when to use it?
The idiom "lay someone to rest" originates from the practice of conducting funeral or burial ceremonies. It is a phrase used to describe the act of giving a deceased person a proper and respectful burial, ensuring that their remains are placed in their final resting place. This expression reflects the tradition of providing a dignified and peaceful closure for the departed.
to prove to someone that what they believe in or think about is not true
What is the origin of the idiom "lay something to rest" and when to use it?
The idiom "lay something to rest" has origins in the concept of burial and funeral practices, where loved ones are laid to rest, indicating that they are given a final resting place. The phrase has been extended to signify the act of conclusively ending or settling an issue or a matter, putting it to rest and leaving it in the past.