(as) busy as a beaver
(as) busy as a beaver
extremely active, busy, and hardworking
What is the origin of the idiom "busy as a beaver" and when to use it?
The phrase "busy as a beaver" is believed to have originated in the 18th century, and it is a reference to the industrious and hardworking nature of beavers, which are known for their ability to build dams and lodges. It is used to describe someone who is very busy and active, working hard to complete tasks and achieve goals. It is often used to convey a sense of admiration or respect for someone's work ethic.
He's always busy as a beaver building a new dam, working on his art and his music and his writing.
If we want to finish this project on time, we're all going to have to be busy as beavers.
She's been busy as a beaver lately, juggling her job, her family, and her volunteer work.