to tamper
manipulasi, campur tangan
to meddle with or alter something, often with the intention of causing harm or making changes
Transitive: to tamper with sth
Someone tampered with the brake lines of the car, causing the accident.
The police believe someone tampered with the crime scene to mislead the investigation.
He was caught tampering with the machinery, trying to sabotage the production process.
memanipulasi, mengubah
to attempt to manipulate or persuade someone, often in an unethical or unlawful manner
Transitive: to tamper with sb
The politician was accused of tampering with the jury to influence the trial 's outcome.
The criminal attempted to tamper with the investigators, offering them money to drop the case.
He was caught tampering with the witnesses, threatening them to stay silent.
penyampan, alat pemadat
a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)
Someone tampered with the brake lines of the car, causing the accident.
The police believe someone tampered with the crime scene to mislead the investigation.
He was caught tampering with the machinery, trying to sabotage the production process.
The document had been tampered with, with some critical information removed.
The evidence was tampered with, making it impossible to trust the investigation’s findings.
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