daging merpati muda, merpati
What is "squab"?
Squab is the meat obtained from young domestic pigeons that are harvested before they are old enough to fly. It is considered a delicacy in many culinary traditions and is prized for its tender texture and rich flavor. Squab meat is darker and more flavorful than chicken or turkey. It can be prepared in various ways, including roasting, grilling, braising, or pan-searing, and is often served with flavorful sauces or glazes to complement its robust taste.
anak merpati, merpati muda
What is a "squab"?
A squab is a young pigeon or dove that is still in the nest and not yet able to fly, typically around four weeks old, that is raised for its meat. They are characterized by their small size and round, chubby appearance. Squabs are commonly found in nests constructed by their parents, where they are cared for and fed until they are old enough to leave the nest and begin flying. During this period, squabs rely entirely on their parents for food and protection. As they grow, squabs gradually develop their flight feathers and gain the ability to fly.
sofa empuk, bantal tempat duduk
sudut tumpul, sudut antara 90 dan 180 derajat
pendek dan gemuk, bulat