Unaccusative verb

Unaccusative verb
inaktív ige, szó inaktív ige
a verb that describes an action or event where the subject undergoes a change or experiences a state without actively performing the action, typically indicating an involuntary or spontaneous process
What is an "unaccusative verb"?
An unaccusative verb is a type of intransitive verb that describes an action or event where the subject experiences a change of state or undergoes an action without actively performing it. In sentences with unaccusative verbs, the subject typically receives the action rather than initiating it. For example, in the sentence "The vase broke," the verb "broke" is unaccusative because the vase is not doing anything; it simply experiences the change. Other examples include "The sun set" and "She died." Unaccusative verbs are important for expressing events where the subject is affected by the action rather than being the doer.

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