tár, raktár
a place or collection where things are stored for safekeeping
Biological sample repositories help medical researchers store blood, tissue, and genetic information from study participants for future analysis.
Art museums function as repositories, carefully preserving valuable works of art for public education and enjoyment for generations.
University archives act as the central repository for important records, papers, and data relating to the institution 's history.
bizalmasa, őrző
a person to whom a secret is entrusted
sírbolt, temetőhely
a burial vault (usually for some famous person)
Biological sample repositories help medical researchers store blood, tissue, and genetic information from study participants for future analysis.
Art museums function as repositories, carefully preserving valuable works of art for public education and enjoyment for generations.
University archives act as the central repository for important records, papers, and data relating to the institution's history.
Közeli Szavak