गिरह्क (Girahk), घर बटेर (Ghar Bater)
What is a "house sparrow"?
A house sparrow is a small, social bird that has adapted well to human environments and can be found in cities, towns, and rural areas across the globe. These small passerines have a chunky build, with males displaying a gray crown, black bib, and chestnut back, while females have a more subdued coloring. House sparrows are known for their lively chirping and chattering, often heard in groups as they forage for seeds, grains, and insects. They are opportunistic nesters, often building their nests in nooks and crannies of buildings, under eaves, or in tree cavities. Despite being considered an introduced species in many regions, the house sparrow has become a familiar and commonplace bird, intertwining its presence with human habitation.