Hang gliding
हैंग ग्लाइडिंग, ग्लाइडिंग
a sport or activity where a person flies through the air using a glider
What is "hang gliding"?
Hang gliding is an air sport where a pilot flies a lightweight, non-motorized glider known as a hang glider. The pilot is suspended in a harness beneath the wing, which is made of fabric stretched over a metal frame. To launch, the pilot typically runs or jumps off a hill or cliff, using the natural wind currents to gain lift. The pilot controls the flight by shifting their body weight and adjusting the angle of the wing. Hang gliding offers a unique flying experience, with pilots soaring through the air, navigating currents, and gliding for long distances.
She dreamed of hang gliding over the cliffs by the ocean.
The thrill of hang gliding was unmatched as he soared above the valley.
Hang gliding requires a strong understanding of wind patterns and control.

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