Fallopian tube
फैلوपियन ट्यूब, अंडाशय नली
a slender tube connecting the ovary to the uterus in the female reproductive system
What is "fallopian tube"?
The fallopian tube, also known as the uterine tube, is a slender, tube-like structure connecting the ovary to the uterus in the female reproductive system. It serves as the pathway for the transport of eggs (ova) released by the ovary towards the uterus. The fallopian tube is the site where fertilization typically occurs, as sperm cells can meet and fertilize the egg as it travels through the tube.
fallopian tube
Tissue from endometriosis can grow on organs like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or pelvic cavity lining.
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or remove damaged portions of the fallopian tubes.
During ovulation, a mature ovum is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube.