खुदाई करने वाली भृंग, एकली भृंग
What is a "digger wasp"?
A digger wasp, also known as the ground wasp or sand wasp, is a type of solitary wasp belonging to various species within the family Crabronidae. These wasps are known for their impressive digging abilities and nest-building behavior. The female digger wasp constructs burrows in the ground, often in sandy or loose soil. She excavates the nest, creating a tunnel that leads to one or more chambers where she provisions food for her offspring. The female digger wasp hunts and captures insects or spiders, paralyzing them with her sting and then carries them back to the nest as food for her larvae. Once the nest is provisioned, she lays an egg on the prey, seals the chamber, and repeats the process for additional offspring. Digger wasps play an important role in controlling insect populations and are generally not aggressive toward humans unless provoked.