एरोस्लेज़, हवा-ग्रीवा वाहन
a vehicle designed to travel over snow or ice by generating an air cushion underneath, reducing friction with the surface
What is an "aerosledge"?
An aerosledge is a type of sled or vehicle designed to travel on snow or ice using air power. It is often equipped with a powerful engine that helps it glide smoothly over frozen surfaces. Aerosledges are typically used for both recreational purposes and by professionals in areas like research, exploration, or rescue missions. They are popular for their ability to travel quickly and efficiently across snow-covered terrain, offering a unique alternative to traditional snowmobiles or sleds.
The research team used an aerosledge to traverse Antarctica's icy terrain efficiently.
The military deployed aerosledges for rapid transport across Arctic regions during winter operations.
The inventor demonstrated the aerosledge's ability to glide smoothly over deep snowbanks.

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