to turn down
[phrase form: turn]
इनकार करना, मना करना
to decline an invitation, request, or offer
She turned the job offer down due to conflicting commitments.
Can you turn the invitation down gracefully, explaining your prior engagement?
The team turned the sponsorship offer down, as it did n't align with their values.
कम करना, घटाना
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.
Before bed, my mother always turns down the volume of our TV.
In the movie theatre, the staff will turn down the lights when the film starts.
My neighbors asked me to turn down the music last night because it was too loud.
अस्वीकृत करना, नामंज़ूर करना
to reject someone and prevent them from entering a place or becoming a member of a group or organization
She turned the offer back, unimpressed with its terms.
They turned the suggestion back, expressing their disagreement.
The customer turned the product back, unsatisfied with its quality.
कम होना, संकुचन होना
(of a business or economy) to become less busy or profitable
The manufacturing sector turned down due to supply chain disruptions.
Job opportunities turned down as the labor market tightened.
Company profits turned down due to increased competition.
नीचे घुमाना, नीचे मोड़ना
to adjust the position of something by flipping or rotating it downward
The artist turned the canvas down to work on the lower section.
She turned the document down to read the footnotes.
The chef turned the pancake down for even cooking.

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