to sweep something under the rug
to pretend that something is not happening or is not the case
What is the origin of the idiom "sweep something under the rug" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "sweep something under the rug" can be traced back to the practice of physically sweeping dirt or debris under a rug to conceal it from view. The idiom figuratively refers to the act of hiding or covering up a problem, mistake, or unpleasant truth in order to avoid addressing or dealing with it openly. It can be used in discussions about politics, scandals, organizational misconduct, or even in interpersonal relationships where individuals choose to gloss over issues rather than confronting them head-on.
Instead of addressing the financial problems, the company decided to sweep them under the rug and hope they would go away.
Ignoring a health concern and hoping it disappears is like sweeping it under the rug.
In dysfunctional families, it 's common for members to sweep their issues under the rug rather than seeking therapy.
Instead of addressing the financial problems, the company decided to sweep them under the rug and hope they would go away.
Ignoring a health concern and hoping it disappears is like sweeping it under the rug.
In dysfunctional families, it's common for members to sweep their issues under the rug rather than seeking therapy.
It's important to face challenges head-on rather than trying to sweep them under the rug, as they may resurface later.
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