पागल, चिंतित
suffering from a mental condition that causes one to believe other people are trying to harm one
पैरानॉयड, संदेहास्पद
unreasonably scared of other people or thinking that they are trying to cause harm
The paranoid individual constantly checked their surroundings, convinced that someone was following them.
संदेहास्पद व्यक्ति लगातार अपने चारों ओर की जांच करता था, यह यकीन करते हुए कि कोई उनका पीछा कर रहा है।
He became paranoid after reading about recent burglaries in the neighborhood, suspecting every passerby of being a potential thief.
वह पड़ोस में हाल की चोरी के बारे में पढ़ने के बाद पैरानॉयड, संदेहास्पद हो गया, और हर राहगीर को संभावित चोर समझने लगा।
पैरानॉयड, पैरानॉयड व्यक्ति
someone who is suffering from a mental disorder that makes them believe other people's intentions are deceitful or that people mean to harm them

निकटवर्ती शब्द