to knock up
[phrase form: knock]
जल्दी बनाना, आसान से तैयार करना
to make something quickly and easily, often without much care or effort
I knocked up a quick sandwich for lunch.
She knocked up a few sketches for the new product design.
I knocked up a quick lasagna for dinner tonight because I did n't have time to cook anything elaborate.
प्रेग्नेंट करना, गर्भवती करना
to cause a woman to become pregnant
She 's worried that she might be knocked up after that one-night stand.
The doctor confirmed that she was knocked up and that she was due to give birth in six months.
गर्म करना, गर्म करना
(in tennis) to warm up for a match by hitting a few balls back and forth for a short time
The junior players knocked up before their tournament match.
The tennis players knocked up for a few minutes before the start of their match.
The spectators watched the players knock up as they anticipated the start of the match.
दरवाजा खटखटाना, जागना खटखटाने से
to wake someone up by gently banging on their door
I knocked up my friend for work.
The kids knocked up their parents to ask for breakfast.
I knocked up a quick sandwich for lunch.
She knocked up a few sketches for the new product design.
I knocked up a quick lasagna for dinner tonight because I didn't have time to cook anything elaborate.
निकटवर्ती शब्द