Trade publication

Trade publication
publication professionnelle, revue spécialisée
a specialized magazine or periodical that provides industry-specific news, analysis, and information to professionals within a particular field or sector
What is a "trade publication"?
A trade publication is a magazine, journal, or newsletter that is aimed at professionals within a specific industry or trade. These publications provide news, trends, updates, and insights relevant to the field they cover, such as business, technology, healthcare, or education. Trade publications often feature articles on industry developments, new products, case studies, and expert opinions, helping professionals stay informed about the latest advancements and best practices in their area of expertise. They may be distributed in print or digital formats and are typically available through subscriptions or industry associations.
The trade publication featured an article about new software tools for the tech industry.
I saw an advertisement for a conference in a trade publication that I read for my job.
He wrote an article for a trade publication on best practices in healthcare management.

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