a stroke of something
a brief or sudden instance or occurrence of something particular, whether positive or negative
What is the origin of the idiom "a stroke of something" and when to use it?
The idiom "a stroke of something" has its origin in the concept of using a brush or pen to create a single, swift stroke in art or writing. This expression is used to describe situations where something significant or fortunate happens suddenly and unexpectedly, as if achieved in one quick and masterful stroke.
The artist touched the brush to the canvas, creating a stroke of color.
Winning the lottery is often seen as a stroke of luck, as it relies entirely on chance rather than skill or hard work.
His goal in the final seconds of the game was a stroke of brilliance, securing the team's victory.
Her ingenious idea was a stroke of genius, revolutionizing the way we approach the problem.
The successful negotiation was a stroke of diplomacy, leading to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.