Whole note
note entière, ronde
a musical note that is held or sustained for the duration of four beats in 4/4 time, typically denoted by an open oval shape
What is a "whole note"?
A whole note is a musical symbol that represents a duration of four beats in common time. It is often depicted as a hollow circle with no stem. In written music, a whole note is held for the full length of its value, making it the longest note duration in most basic time signatures. It provides a steady, sustained sound that lasts for the entire measure if the measure is in 4/4 time, making it an essential element for creating rhythm and structure in music.
The pianist played a whole note in the left hand while embellishing the melody with the right hand.
In the choral arrangement, the singers held a whole note to create a sense of harmony and unity.
The brass section sustained a whole note, adding richness to the orchestral texture.

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