What is a "snipe"?
A snipe is a captivating and enigmatic bird that captivates with its cryptic plumage, elusive behavior, and remarkable aerial courtship displays. This medium-sized wading bird is characterized by its long bill, mottled brown and buff-colored feathers, and relatively short legs. Snipes are typically found in wetland habitats, where they skillfully navigate through marshes, mudflats, and other waterlogged environments. Their elusive nature and exceptional camouflage make them challenging to spot, as they often blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Snipes are known for their incredible aerial courtship displays, during which they spiral upwards and produce a drumming sound with their tail feathers, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.
coup de feu, tir
pincer, attaquer dans le discours
viser avec précision, tirer avec précision
chasser des bécassines, tirer des bécassines